Report a Fish

What was the nearest location to the place you marked on the map? Example: Fork of the Bow and Oldman River; St. Mary’s River in Cardston, AB.
Please estimate the approximate time of capture.
What was the nearest location to the place you marked on the map? Example: Fork of the Bow and Oldman River; St. Mary’s River in Cardston, AB.
What did you find? A goldfish? Snakehead? Common names are perfectly fine.
Please enter numbers only. For a 30 cm Westslope Cutthroat Trout, for example, enter the number 30.
Did the species look healthy? Weather? What were the circumstances of your observation?
Some species like Lake Sturgeon are tagged by the government. If you caught a fish with a tag, we’d like to know the number.
What was the nearest location to the place you marked on the map? Example: Fork of the Bow and Oldman River; St. Mary’s River in Cardston, AB.