My research focuses on issues related to aquatic biodiversity, including: conservation of freshwater fishes (e.g. species at risk, invasive species), sustainable resource development and developing robust restoration and reclamation activities. My goals are to: build effective collaborations across Alberta and North America; to train the next generation of research leaders; to provide an atmosphere of respect and learning; to engage the public and stakeholders; and, to develop leading edge novel research to solve applied problems. Connect with me with any questions or comments on a number of platforms:
Faculty Web Page: Link
Follow on Twitter: @MarkPoesch
Facebook: Link
YouTube Channel: Link
I teach Fisheries and Wildlife Management (RENR376), Advanced Fisheries and Wildlife Management (RENR476) and I contribute to many related courses like Environmental Impact Assessment (RENR307), Field School (RENR299) and Disturbance Ecology (RENR440).
Current Courses:
- RENR 476 – Advanced Methods in Fisheries and Wildlife Management
- RENR 376 – Fisheries and Wildlife Management
- RENR 307- Environmental Assessment Principles and Methods (contributor)
- RENR 299 - Field School - Fisheries Methods (contributor)
A lot of my teaching is done outside-the-classroom, but click for a full list of my in-class room teaching, including a list of all my classes and teaching philosophy.
Professional Contributions
I am active on numerous boards that impact aquatic policy, including the Freshwater Fishes Specialist Sub-Committee of the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC); as past-president (2015-2017) of the Canadian Aquatic Resource Section (CARS) of the American Fisheries Society, and on the provincial Species at Risk Scientific Subcommittee. I also contribute to University of Alberta USchool, an organization that exposes at-risk youth to a taste of university experience.
Click for a full list of my professional contributions.
- Poesch, M.S. Invasive species in Alberta, are we doing enough? Alberta Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual General Meeting, Lethbridge, AB, March 2018 (Invited discussion panel member, audience ~ 100).
- Poesch, M.S. Endangered species or endangered spaces? Moving from species to ecosystem-based conservation in the age of the Anthropocene. Canadian Conference for Fisheries Research, Montreal, Quebec, January 2017 (Conference Plenary, audience ~ 500).
- Poesch, M.S. Building ecologically robust lakes for fisheries compensation. North American Lake Management Society, Banff, Alberta, November 2016 (Keynote at Symposium on Habitat Offsetting, audience ~ 60).
Click for a full list of presentations.
Education & Training
- NSERC Post-Doctoral Visiting Fellow, Fisheries and Oceans Canada
- Doctorate of Philosophy, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Toronto
- Master of Science, Zoology, University of Guelph
- Bachelor of Science, Honors Biology, Integrative Biology, University of Western Ontario.
Click for a full list of my education and training.