Species at Risk


There has been a dramatic decline in freshwater fish biodiversity globally, and this is true in Canada as well.  Losses of freshwater fishes have important consequences to Canadians.  Freshwater fish provide forage for other biota, drive ecosystem properties, and are indicators of aquatic ecosystem health.  We study the declines of freshwater fishes, including species like: Arctic Grayling, Athabasca Rainbow Trout (Endangered), Bull Trout (Special Concern), Carmine Shiner (Threatened), Lake Sturgeon (Saskatchewan River, COSEWIC: Endangered), Plains Sucker (Milk River Population - Threatened), Redside Dace (Endangered), Rocky Mountain Sculpin (Eastslope Population - Endangered), Western Silvery Minnow (Threatened), Westslope Cutthroat Trout (AB Population - Threatened), among many others. Click on the species photos, articles or news items to learn more about some of the research we are conducting on species at risk! Note: * Lab members.

Articles from Lab

Arctic Grayling

Bull Trout

Lake Sturgeon

Redside Dace

Western Silvery Minnow

Athabasca Rainbow Trout

Carmine Shiner

Plains Sucker

Rocky Mountain Sculpin

Westslope Cutthroat Trout