Veilleux, H., McPherson, M.*, Cott, P., Poesch, M., S., Glover, C., and G. Goss. (2025) Environmental DNA as a tool to detect Arctic grayling and their habitat preferences in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Arctic Science.


Environmental DNA (eDNA) assays represent a non-invasive approach for biomonitoring. To assess Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) populations in the Little Nahanni watershed of Northwest Territories (NWT), Canada, an eDNA assay that has been previously validated for use in fish of the Beringia lineage was used in conjunction with traditional survey methods (i.e., electrofishing). Forty-six 100-metre reaches of streams were assessed in August 2015. The assay successfully detected Arctic grayling of the Nahanni lineage, with an eDNA signal recorded at each of the 17 sites in which Arctic grayling were observed by traditional fish surveys, but also at 3 of the 29 sites where Arctic grayling were not observed. The presence of eDNA was related to habitat metrics via Random Forest and correlation analyses. Riffles and water temperature were identified as being predictive of Arctic grayling eDNA abundance; however, no significant relationship between eDNA abundance and biomass proxies (fish abundance and fork length metrics) could be established. The high congruence between traditional approaches and eDNA surveys suggests adoption of the latter method will enhance the temporal and spatial acuity of biomonitoring, thereby improving field assessment of Arctic grayling populations and contributing towards more effective conservation management of this species.

Citation: Veilleux, H., McPherson, M., Cott, P., Poesch, M., S., Glover, C., and G. Goss. (2025) Environmental DNA as a tool to detect Arctic grayling and their habitat preferences in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Arctic Science.

Also Read:

McPherson, M.*, Lewis, J.B., Cott, P.B., Baker, L.F., Mochnacz, N.J. Swanson, H.K., and S. Poesch. (2023) Habitat use by fluvial Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) across life stages in northern mountain streams. Environmental Biology of Fishes 106: 1001-1020.

*Lab members: Morag McPherson and Mark Poesch. Check out opportunities in the lab!

McPherson, M.*, Lewis, J.B., Cott, P.B., Baker, L.F., Mochnacz, N.J. Swanson, H.K., and S. Poesch. (2023) Habitat use by fluvial Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) across life stages in northern mountain streams. Environmental Biology of Fishes 106: 1001-1020.


Northern aquatic ecosystems face increasing pressures from climate change and natural resource development.  The Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) is a widely distributed, northern freshwater fish which can be vulnerable to such pressures. There remains a paucity of information on life stage requirements through most of the species’ range to reliably map and manage habitat to protect populations into the future. We sought to characterize fluvial Arctic Grayling distribution among mountain streams and determine habitat characteristics that habitat use across life stages. Sampling was conducted at 183 sites across the Little Nahanni River watershed to collect information on fish distribution and reach-scale habitat parameters. Arctic Grayling were collected for biological analyses of age, size, weight, and reproductive development. Based on age and size-classes there were four distinct post-emergence life stages: YOY, juvenile, sub-adult and adult. YOY Arctic Grayling were found exclusively in low elevation (<1000 m) streams, flat-water habitat dominated by silty-sand substrate with average water temperatures >10oC. Similarly, juvenile Arctic Grayling occupied low elevation, warm water stream habitat, but associated strongly with run habitats. Sub-adult Arctic Grayling, the most widely distributed life-stage, were found associated with riffle, pool, and cascade-boulder habitats. Adults occupied high elevation (>1200 m) habitats that were cold (mean stream temperature = 7oC), and had higher proportions of pool and boulder habitat. The dynamic nature of Arctic Grayling habitat use in mountain streams highlights the need to consider habitat complexes at the watershed scale when defining species life stage requirements, managing habitats, monitoring populations, and assessing potential impacts. Keywords: Climate Change; Water Stress; Biodiversity; Preservation.

Citation: McPherson, M., Lewis, J.B., Cott, P.B., Baker, L.F., Mochnacz, N.J. Swanson, H.K., and S. Poesch. (2023) Habitat use by fluvial Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) across life stages in northern mountain streams. Environmental Biology of Fishes 106: 1001-1020. 

Also Read:

Pandit, S.N.*, Koriala, L., Maitland, B.M*, Poesch, M.S., and E. Enders. (2017) Climate change risks, extinction debt, and conservation implications for an endangered freshwater fish Carmine Shiner (Notropis percobromus). Science of the Total Environment 598: 1-11.

*Lab members: Morag McPherson and Mark Poesch. Check out opportunities in the lab!

Maitland, B.M.*, M.S. Poesch, Anderson, A.E., and S. Pandit*. (2016) Industrial road crossings drive changes in community structure and instream habitat for freshwater fishes in the Boreal forest. Freshwater Biology. 61: 1-18.


Stream crossing structures are an increasingly prevalent anthropogenic feature on North American riverscapes, particularly in watersheds affected by industrial resource development in sensitive boreal environments. If improperly managed, stream crossings have the potential to alter fish habitat and impede fish movement. This study assessed instream habitat characteristics and fish communities from 33 culverted, bridged and reference streams in an industrialising region of the boreal forest in west-central Alberta. Mixed-effects modelling and multivariate analysis were used to determine impacts of stream crossings at three scales: whole-stream scale, within-stream scale and the interaction of scales. Instream habitat characteristics such as mean depth, water velocity, percent fines, turbidity, water temperature and dissolved oxygen showed significant between-stream as well as within-stream differences among stream crossings. The majority of fish species exhibited significantly lower densities (n m−2) in upstream habitats as compared to downstream habitats, including a significant reduction in Slimy Sculpin densities in culverted streams. Multivariate tests corroborated these results, showing that fish assemblages differ as a function of stream type. This study suggests industrial stream crossings influence abiotic habitat characteristics in freshwater ecosystems, restrict biotic connectivity and impact fish community structure at the whole-stream and within-stream scales. Alterations to stream ecosystems associated with stream crossings may be driving large-scale changes in stream fish communities in the boreal forest. With expanded development expected in much of North America’s boreal region, mitigation measures which limit impacts from stream crossings are needed to ensure proper ecosystem function in freshwater systems.

CitationMaitland, B.M.*, M.S. Poesch, Anderson, A.E., and S. Pandit*. (2016) Industrial road crossings drive changes in community structure and instream habitat for freshwater fishes in the Boreal forest. Freshwater Biology. 61: 1-18.

Figure – Barplot of fish community metrics of (a) fish density (number per m2) and (b) species richness across stream types and upstream and downstream locations (mean +/- SE). Sample sizes for stream types were: culvert (Cul) N = 11, bridge (Bri) N = 11, reference (Ref) = 11. Significant differences across stream types are identified by upper case letters, while significant differences between upstream and downstream reaches are identified by lower case letters.

Also Read:

Fischer, S.M.*, Ramaza, P., Simmons, S., Poesch, M.S. and M.A. Lewis. (2023) Boosting propagule transport models with individual-specific data from mobile apps. Journal of Applied Ecology 60(5): 934-949.

*Lab members: Bryan MaitlandShubha PanditMark Poesch. Check out opportunities in the lab!

Maitland, B.M.*, Anderson, A. and Poesch, M.S. (2016) Prioritising culvert removals to restore habitat for at-risk salmonids in the Boreal forest. Fisheries Management and Ecology 23: 489-502.


Stream crossing structures are an increasingly prevalent anthropogenic feature on North American riverscapes, particularly in watersheds affected by industrial resource development in sensitive boreal environments. If improperly managed, stream crossings have the potential to alter fish habitat and impede fish movement. This study assessed instream habitat characteristics and fish communities from 33 culverted, bridged and reference streams in an industrialising region of the boreal forest in west-central Alberta. Mixed-effects modelling and multivariate analysis were used to determine impacts of stream crossings at three scales: whole-stream scale, within-stream scale and the interaction of scales. Instream habitat characteristics such as mean depth, water velocity, percent fines, turbidity, water temperature and dissolved oxygen showed significant between-stream as well as within-stream differences among stream crossings. The majority of fish species exhibited significantly lower densities (n m−2) in upstream habitats as compared to downstream habitats, including a significant reduction in Slimy Sculpin densities in culverted streams. Multivariate tests corroborated these results, showing that fish assemblages differ as a function of stream type. This study suggests industrial stream crossings influence abiotic habitat characteristics in freshwater ecosystems, restrict biotic connectivity and impact fish community structure at the whole-stream and within-stream scales. Alterations to stream ecosystems associated with stream crossings may be driving large-scale changes in stream fish communities in the boreal forest. With expanded development expected in much of North America’s boreal region, mitigation measures which limit impacts from stream crossings are needed to ensure proper ecosystem function in freshwater systems.

CitationMaitland, B.M.*, Anderson, A. and Poesch, M.S. (2016) Prioritising culvert removals to restore habitat for at-risk salmonids in the Boreal forest. Fisheries Management and Ecology 23: 489-502.

Site Locations of Assessed Stream Crossings, including (a) Simoneete, (b) Latronell and (c) Deep Valley watersheds in Alberta Canada.

Prioritization given: net habitat gain (a,d), number of barriers removed (c,f) and the mean cost per barrier (c,f) across Deep Valley and Latronell subwatersheds.

Also Read:

Medinski, N.A.*, Maitland, B.M.*, Jardine, T.D., Drake, D.A.R. and M.S. Poesch (2022) A catastrophic coal mine spill in the Athabasca River watershed induces isotopic niche shifts in stream biota including an endangered rainbow trout ecotype. Canadian Journal for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 79(8): 1321-1334.

*Lab members: Bryan MaitlandMark Poesch. Check out opportunities in the lab!

Poesch, M.S., Chavarie, L., Chu, C., Pandit, S.N.*, and W. Tonn. (2016) Climate change impacts on freshwater fishes: A Canadian perspective. Fisheries 41(7): 385-391.


Current and projected patterns of global climate change are a major concern to freshwater fisheries in Canada. The magnitude of the impacts of climate change vary among species and ecoregions. The latest climate change scenario projections for Canada suggest that by 2050 temperatures will increase between about 4.9°C ± 1.7°C (average mean ± standard deviation) and 6.6°C ± 2.3°C under the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) 2.6 and 8.5 emission scenarios, respectively. These changes will have an important influence on the physiology, distribution, and survival of freshwater fishes, as well as other ecological processes in direct, indirect, and complex ways. Here we provide a perspective from the Canadian Aquatic Resources Section on the impacts of climate change to freshwater fishes. Given the geographic size and diversity of landscapes within Canada, we have divided our perspective into three regions: eastern, western, and northern Canada. We outline the impacts of climate change to these regions and outline challenges for fisheries managers. Because climate change does not operate in isolation of other environmental threats, nor does it impact species in isolation, we suggest improved inter jurisdictional integration and the use of an adaptive and ecosystem-based approach to management of these threats.

Citation: Poesch, M.S., Chavarie, L., Chu, C., Pandit, S.N.*, and W. Tonn. (2016) Climate change impacts on freshwater fishes: A Canadian perspective. Fisheries 41(7): 385-391.

List of species that have potential to extend their range and/or abundance northward into the Arctic, with some biological characteristics related to expansion of their existing ranges.

Also Read:

Theis, S.*  Castellanos D.A., Hamann A. and M.S. Poesch. (2022) Exploring the potential role of habitat banks in preserving freshwater biodiversity and imperiled species in the United States. Biological Conservation 273: 109700.

*Lab members: Shubha PanditMark Poesch. Check out opportunities in the lab!