Banting, A.*, Vinebrooke, R., Taylor, M., Carli, C. and M.S. Poesch. (2021) Impacts of a regionally-native predator on littoral macrobenthos in fishless mountain lakes: implications for assisted colonization. Conservation Science and Practice 3(2): e344.


The intentional introduction of native cold-water trout into high elevation fishless lakes has been considered as a tool for building resilience to climate change (i.e. “assisted colonization”). However, ecological impacts on recipient communities are understudied. Our purpose was to inform native trout recovery by assessing potential consequences of translocating a regionally-native trout (Westslope Cutthroat Trout, Oncorhynchus clarkii) into fishless mountain lakes. We compared littoral benthic invertebrate richness, diversity, community structure, and density between three groups of lakes (native trout, nonnative trout, and fishless) in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. While richness and diversity was conserved across all lake groups, other lines of evidence suggested introducing native Westslope Cutthroat Trout into fishless lakes can alter littoral benthic invertebrate communities in similar ways as nonnative Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). The community structure of  Cutthroat Trout lakes resembled Brook Trout lakes in comparison to fishless lakes. For example, both trout lake groups contained lower density of free-swimming ameletid mayflies and a higher density of some burrowing taxa. Considering the alteration certain aquatic invertebrates can cause cascading trophic effects, we suggest risk assessments consider a broad range of taxa to mitigate risk of collateral damage from trout recovery actions.

Citation: Banting, A., Vinebrooke, R., Taylor, M., Carli, C. and M.S. Poesch. (2021) Impacts of a regionally-native predator on littoral macrobenthos in fishless mountain lakes: implications for assisted colonization. Conservation Science and Practice 3(2): e344.

Also Read:

Castaneda, R.A., Ackerman, J.D., Chapman, L.J., Cooke, S.J., Cuddington, K., Dextrase, A., Jackson, D.A., Koops, M.A., Krkosek, M., Loftus, K., Mandrak, N.E., Martel, A.L., Molnar, P., Morris, T.J., Pitcher, T.E., Poesch, M.S., Power, M., Pratt, T.C., Reid, S.M., Rodriguez, M.A., Rosenfeld, J., Wilson, C., Zanatta, D.T. and D.A.R. Drake. (2021) Approaches and research needs for advancing the protection and recovery of imperilled freshwater fishes and mussels in Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 78 (9): 1356-1370.

*Lab members: Allison Banting and Mark Poesch. Check out opportunities in the lab!

Donadt, C.*, Cooke, C., Graydon, J. and M.S. Poesch. (2021) Biological factors moderate trace element accumulation in fish along an environmental concentration gradient. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 40(2): 422-434.


Trace elements can accumulate in aquatic foodwebs, becoming potentially hazardous wildlife and human health. While many studies have examined mercury dynamics in freshwater environments, evidence for the bioaccumulative potential of other trace elements (e.g., arsenic) is conflicting. Trace element concentrations found in surface water of the Red Deer River, Alberta, Canada, have raised concern for potential accumulation in aquatic biota. We investigated fish from this river to better understand the influence of biological and environmental factors in trace element bioaccumulation. We analyzed 20 trace elements and food web tracers, stable nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) isotopes, in muscle tissue. Zinc, selenium, arsenic, chromium, and nickel were detected in the majority of fish at low concentrations. However, mercury was detected in all fish and often exceeded criteria for the protection of consumers. Body size was often positively correlated with trace element concentrations. Additionally, food web tracers were correlated to mercury and arsenic concentrations, indicating that mercury biomagnifies whereas arsenic bio-diminishes. Spatial patterns of fish trace element concentrations did not reflect differences in surface water concentrations. These findings indicate that fish trace element concentrations are primarily moderated by biological factors, such as trophic position and body size, and are not locally restricted to areas of relatively high environmental concentrations in the Red Deer River.

Citation: Donadt, C., Cooke, C., Graydon, J. and M.S. Poesch. (2021) Biological factors moderate trace element accumulation in fish along an environmental concentration gradient. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 40(2): 422-434.

Also Read:

Ponton D.E., Ruelas-Inzunza J., Lavoie R., Lescord G.L., Johnston T.A., Graydon J.A., Reichert, M., Donadt C.*, Poesch M.S., Gunn, J.A., and M. Amyot. (2022) Mercury, selenium and arsenic concentrations in Canadian freshwater fish and a perspective on human consumption intake and risk. Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances.

*Lab members: Caitlyn Donadt and Mark Poesch. Check out opportunities in the lab!

Donadt, C.*, Cooke, C., Graydon, J. and M.S. Poesch. (2021) Mercury bioaccumulation in stream fish from an agriculturally-dominated watershed. Chemosphere 262: 128059.


Bioaccumulation of mercury in freshwater fish is a complex process driven by environmental and biological factors. In this study, we assessed mercury in fish from four tributaries to the Red Deer River, Alberta, Canada, which are characterized by high surface water mercury concentrations. We used carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotopes to examine relationships between fish total mercury (THg) concentrations, food web dynamics and patterns in unfiltered THg and methylmercury (MeHg) concentrations. We found that THg concentrations exceeded the tissue residue quality guideline for the protection of wildlife consumers in 99.7% of fish sampled. However, while the surface water THg concentration was highest in Michichi Creek and the MeHg concentration was consistent across streams, patterns of fish THg concentrations varied depending on species. Furthermore, body size and trophic level were only correlated with THg concentrations in white sucker (Catostomus commersoni) and Prussian carp (Carrasius gibelio). The results of this study suggest that mercury poses a risk to the health of piscivorous wildlife in the Red Deer River watershed. Despite high THg concentrations in these streams, mercury bioaccumulation is not driven by environmental inorganic mercury concentrations. Additionally, commonly cited factors associated with mercury concentrations in fish, such as body size and trophic level, may not strongly influence bioaccumulation in these stream ecosystems.

Citation: Donadt, C., Cooke, C., Graydon, J. and M.S. Poesch. (2021) Mercury bioaccumulation in stream fish from an agriculturally-dominated watershed. Chemosphere 262: 128059.

Also Read:

Donadt, C.*, Cooke, C., Graydon, J. and M.S. Poesch. (2021) Biological factors moderate trace element accumulation in fish along an environmental concentration gradient. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 40(2): 422-434.

*Lab members: Caitlyn Donadt and Mark Poesch. Check out opportunities in the lab!

Research by Kaegan Finn highlighted by Alberta Wildlife Society Chapter

Due to the covid-19 pandemic, undergraduate student Kaegan Finn was unable to present his research at the Alberta Chapter of The Wildlife Society (ACTWS) annual general meeting. Thankfully, ACTWS has been sharing some of the research from the conference on their website. In August, ACTWS highlighted Kaegan Finn’s excellent poster. Kaegan was an undergrad conducting research in the lab. I am delighted that Kaegan was able to share his hard work. Check it out for yourself here on the ACTWS webpage (link).

Fisheries and Aquatic Conservation Lab lead a workshop on offsetting strategies in the oil sands region

Sebastian Theis, Jonathan Ruppert, Karling Roberts, Michael Terry and Mark Poesch led a workshop with around 60 participants from industry, consulting, provincial and federal governments and academia. The workshop brought stakeholders together to discuss research in the lab on offsetting in freshwaters, including how to create ecologically robust compensation lakes. Thanks to everyone who participated. Feel free to follow-up with us with any questions. 

Sinnatamby, R.N.*, Loewen, T.N., Luo, Y., Pearson, D.G., Bicalho, B., Grant-Weaver, I., Cuss, C.W., Poesch,M.S., and W. Shotyk. (2019). Spatial assessment of major and trace element concentrations from Lower Athabasca Region Trout-perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus) otoliths. Science of the Total Environment 655 (10):  363-373.


The Lower Athabasca Region (LAR) is home to the largest bitumen deposit in Alberta, and has seen industrial development related to the extraction and processing of bituminous sands since the late 1960s. Along with industrial and economic growth related to oil sands development, environmental concerns have increased in recent decades, including those about potential effects on fish. We measured major and trace element concentrations in Trout-perch otoliths from the Athabasca and Clearwater Rivers in the LAR, to illustrate spatial variations and identify possible industrial impacts. Both laser ablation ICP-MS and solution-based ICP-MS methods were employed. Of the trace elements enriched in bitumen (V, Ni, Mo and Re), only Ni and Re were above the limits of detection using at least one of the methods. The only significant differences in element concentrations between upstream and downstream locations were found for Li, Cu, and Pb which were more abundant upstream of industry. For comparison and additional perspective, otoliths from the same fish species, but taken from the Batchawana River in northern Ontario, were also examined. The fish from Alberta yielded greater concentrations of Ba, Bi, Li, Mg, Na, Re, Sc, Th and Y, but the Ontario fish more Cr, Rb and Tl, because of differences in geology.

CitationSinnatamby, R.N.*, Loewen, T.N., Luo, Y., Pearson, D.G., Bicalho, B., Grant-Weaver, I., Cuss, C.W., Poesch,M.S., and W. Shotyk. (2019). Spatial assessment of major and trace element concentrations from Lower Athabasca Region Trout-perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus) otoliths. Science of the Total Environment 655 (10):  363-373. 

Graphical Abstract:

Also Read:

Donner, M. Cuss, C., Poesch, M.S., Sinnatamby, N.*, Siddique, T., and W. Shotyk. (2018) Selenium in surface waters of the lower Athabasca River watershed: chemical speciation and implications for aquatic life. Environmental Pollution 243 (B): 1343-1351.

*Lab members: Nilo SinnatambyMark Poesch. Check out opportunities in the lab!

Donner, M. Cuss, C., Poesch, M.S., Sinnatamby, N.*, Siddique, T., and W. Shotyk. (2018) Selenium in surface waters of the lower Athabasca River watershed: chemical speciation and implications for aquatic life. Environmental Pollution 243 (B): 1343-1351.


Selenium in the lower Athabasca River (Alberta, Canada) is of concern due to potential inputs from the weathering of shallow bitumen deposits and emissions from nearby surface mines and upgraders. Understanding the source of this Se, however, is complicated by contributions from naturally saline groundwater and organic matter-rich tributaries. As part of a two-year multidisciplinary study to assess natural and anthropogenic inputs, Se and its chemical speciation were determined in water samples collected along a ~125 km transect of the Athabasca River and associated tributaries. Selenium was also determined in the muscle of Trout-perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus), a non-migratory fish species, that were sampled from selected locations. Dissolved (< 0.45 µm) Se in the Athabasca River was consistently low in 2014 (0.11 ± 0.02 µg L-1; n = 14) and 2015 (0.16 ± 0.02 µg L-1; n = 21), with no observable increase from upstream to downstream. Selenate was the predominant inorganic form (~60 ng L-1) and selenite was below detection limits at most locations. The average concentration of Se in Trout-perch muscle was 2.2 ± 0.4 mg kg-1 (n = 34), and no significant difference (p > 0.05) was observed between upstream and midstream (industrial) or downstream reaches. Tributary waters contained very low concentrations of Se (typically < 0.1 µg L-1), which was most likely present in the form of dissolved organic colloids.

CitationDonner, M. Cuss, C., Poesch, M.S., Sinnatamby, N.*, Siddique, T., and W. Shotyk. 2018. Selenium in surface waters of the lower Athabasca River watershed: chemical speciation and implications for aquatic life. Environmental Pollution 243 (B): 1343-1351.

Graphical Abstract

Also Read: 

Shotyk, W., Bicalho, B., Cuss, C.W., Nagel, A., Noernberg, T., Poesch, M.S., and N.R. Sinnatamby*. (2018) Bioaccumulation of Tl in otoliths of Trout-perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus) from the Athabasca River, upstream and downstream of bitumen mining and upgrading. Science of the Total Environment 650(2): 2559-2566.

*Lab members: Nilo SinnatambyMark Poesch. Check out opportunities in the lab!

Shotyk, W., Bicalho, B., Cuss, C.W., Nagel, A., Noernberg, T., Poesch, M.S., and N.R. Sinnatamby*. (2018) Bioaccumulation of Tl in otoliths of Trout-perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus) from the Athabasca River, upstream and downstream of bitumen mining and upgrading. Science of the Total Environment 650(2): 2559-2566.


It has been suggested that open pit mining and upgrading of bitumen in northern Alberta releases Tl and other potentially toxic trace elements to the Athabasca River and its watershed. We examined Tl and other trace elements in otoliths of Trout-perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus), a non-migratory fish species, collected along the Athabasca River. Otoliths were analyzed using ICP-QMS, following acid digestion, in the metal-free, ultraclean SWAMP laboratory. Compared to their average abundance in the dissolved (< 0.45 micron) fraction of Athabasca River, Tl showed the greatest enrichment in otoliths of any of the trace elements, with enrichments decreasing in the order Tl, Sr, Mn, Zn, Ba, Th, Ni, Rb, Fe, Al, Cr, Ni, Cu, Pb, Co, Li, Y, V, and Mo. Normalizing Tl in the otoliths to the concentrations of lithophile elements such as Li, Rb, Al or Y in the same tissue reveals average enrichments of 177, 22, 19 and 190 times, respectively, relative to the corresponding ratios in the water. None of the element concentrations (Tl, Li, Rb, Al, Y) or ratios were significantly greater downstream of industry compared to upstream. This natural bioaccumulation of Tl most likely reflects the similarity in geochemical and biological properties of Tl+ and K+.

Citation: Shotyk, W., Bicalho, B., Cuss, C.W., Nagel, A., Noernberg, T., Poesch, M.S., and N.R. Sinnatamby*. (2018) Bioaccumulation of Tl in otoliths of Trout-perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus) from the Athabasca River, upstream and downstream of bitumen mining and upgrading. Science of the Total Environment 650(2): 2559-2566.

Graphical Abstract

Also Read:

Donner, M. Cuss, C., Poesch, M.S., Sinnatamby, N.*, Siddique, T., and W. Shotyk. (2018) Selenium in surface waters of the lower Athabasca River watershed: chemical speciation and implications for aquatic life. Environmental Pollution 243 (B): 1343-1351.

* Lab members: Nilo SinnatambyMark Poesch. Check out opportunities in the lab!

Medinski, N. (2018) Assessing the impacts of multiple ecological stressors on an endangered native salmonid, the Athabasca Rainbow Trout, in the foothills of the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

Thesis Title: Assessing the impacts of multiple ecological stressors on an endangered native salmonid, the Athabasca Rainbow Trout, in the foothills of the Canadian Rocky Mountains.

Author: Nathan Medinski


Freshwater fish face a multitude of ecological stressors, which has resulted in substantial declines in aquatic biodiversity. The loss of aquatic biodiversity can lead to changes in ecosystem function, productivity and food web dynamics. One such imperiled freshwater fish is the Athabasca Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), a unique Rainbow Trout ecotype found in the upper reaches of the Athabasca River watershed, forming the only native Rainbow Trout population in Alberta. Athabasca Rainbow Trout have experienced widespread declines in abundance, with losses of approximately 90% over the last three generation, or approximately 15 years. Two of the main ecological stressors impacting Athabasca Rainbow Trout are competition with invasive Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and habitat degradation associated with natural resource extraction developments in the region. For example, in 2013 the accidental breach of a tailings dam at the Obed coal mine near Hinton, Alberta, Canada, released 670,000 m3 of coal tailings material into Athabasca Rainbow Trout habitat. My goal in this thesis was to improve our understanding of ongoing impacts from multiple ecological stressors on Athabasca Rainbow Trout abundance and food resource use, inferred from sampling seven streams in the upper Athabasca River watershed. The specific objectives of this thesis were therefore to: 1) determine how this ecological stressor gradient has influenced Athabasca Rainbow Trout abundance in the foothills of west-central Alberta, and 2) understand how food resource utilization by Athabasca Rainbow Trout populations has been affected along a disturbance gradient associated with habitat degradation from the Obed mine tailings release and competition with invasive Brook Trout.

To meet my first study objective, I compared Rainbow Trout abundance with metrics associated with mining impacts to aquatic systems, landscape level stressors, abundance of invasive species and general stream habitat parameters between waterbodies along a gradient of ecological stressors.  I determined that Athabasca Rainbow Trout abundance was not significantly different between groupings of streams impacted by the Obed mine tailings release compared with reference streams but was lowest in streams that were both highly turbid and had high abundance of invasive Brook Trout. To answer my second study objective, I used stable isotope analysis to determine trophic position, carbon source pathways, diet composition, niche width and resource use overlap to infer if food resource use changed along a disturbance gradient. I found that Athabasca Rainbow Trout in tailings disturbed waterbodies were utilizing a wider breadth of dietary resources and had substantially higher niche overlap with Brook Trout than in waterbodies not impacted by the tailings release, indicative of greater competition for food resources. 

This thesis contributes to our understanding of how endangered Athabasca Rainbow Trout populations have been impacted by multiple ecological stressors and quantifies important interactions between these stressors with fish abundance and food resource use. Fisheries managers may wish to pursue additional measures to prevent subsequent declines in Athabasca Rainbow Trout populations by minimizing the detrimental impacts associated with landscape level habitat degradation and competition with invasive Brook Trout.

Ruppert, J.L.W.*, Hogg, J., and M.S. Poesch. (2018) Community assembly and the sustainability of habitat offsetting targets in the first compensation lake in the oil sands region in Alberta, Canada. Biological Conservation 219: 138-146.


Resource development can have a negative impact on species productivity and diversity through the loss and fragmentation of habitat. In many countries, developers are required by law to offset such impacts by replacing lost habitat or providing other forms of compensation. In the case of broad scale development, offsets often cannot be constructed to replace lost habitat “like-for-like” (i.e., they are not ecologically equivalent). In freshwater ecosystems, one approach to habitat offsetting is to create new lake ecosystems, called compensation lakes, to replace lost riverine habitat. In this study, we use a long-term data set (2008–2015) of fish and benthic invertebrate communities from Canada’s first compensation lake in the oil sands region of Alberta, to address (1) whether the assembly of the fish community has a trajectory that is influenced by management activities and (2) determine whether the community composition in the habitat offset is common in natural lake ecosystems within the region. We find a significant decline in the mean trophic level of the lake, where 61.9% of the variation in trophic level is explained by time indicating a strong structuring influence on fish communities. This outcome has enabled the compensation lake to meet overall and single species productivity targets, but we find that the species assemblage and composition is not common within the region. A combination of the founding species community and reduced connectivity of the lake has contributed to the current fish community structure, which may be problematic for the sustainability of the habitat offsetting targets. Our study highlights the need to establish multiple conservation guidelines, using both productivity and diversity based metrics, to provide the best ecological equivalency, which can produce better function, resilience and health within focal species communities in habitat offsets that are not “like-for-like.”

CitationRuppert, J.L.W., Hogg, J., and M.S. Poesch. (2018) Community assembly and the sustainability of habitat offsetting targets in the first compensation lake in the oil sands region in Alberta, Canada. Biological Conservation 219: 138-146.

Graphical Abstract:

Figure – Changes in Freshwater Communities Through Time. Shown is teh annual (A) mean density and (B) species diversity of fish species in Horizon Lake during the monitoring period of 2008-2015. Also shown is the corresponding annual (C) mean density and (D) diversity of bentic invertebrates during that period (EK- Ekman Grab; KN – Kick Net).

Also Read:

Theis, S.*, Ruppert, J. L. W. and M. S. Poesch. (2023) Coarse woody habitat use by local fish species and structural integrity of enhancements over time in a shallow northern boreal lake assessed in a Bayesian modeling approach. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 4(2): e12200.

*Lab members: Jonathan RuppertMark Poesch. Check out opportunities in the lab!