Dr. Mark Poesch
Principal Investigator, Fisheries and Aquatic Conservation Lab
Associate Professor, University of Alberta, Department of Renewable Resources
Sebastian Theis
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Thesis Title: Evaluating the effectiveness of aquatic habitat restoration on the Toronto Waterfront for fish communities over multiple decades.
Chloe Christenson
M.Sc. Student
Thesis Title: Assessing the potential impacts of Whirling disease on Westslope Cutthroat Trout in the eastern slopes of Alberta.
Michael Terry
M.Sc. Student
Thesis Title: Hydroacoustics as a tool to help assess northern boreal lakes.
Shabiha Islam
MSc. Student
Thesis title: Tracing the Global Spread of Prussian Carp (Carassius gibelio) and Assessing Ecological Consequences
Lab Alumni
Post-doctoral Researchers
Sam Fisher (2020) | Project: Developing movement models of anglers and their potential spread of whirling disease. |
Linda Lait (2018-2020) | Project: Population genetics of fish species at risk in Alberta. |
Jonathan Ruppert (2016-8) | Project: Building ecologically robust lakes for offsetting fisheries productivity in Canada's oil sands region. |
Nilo Sinnatamby (2015-6) | Project: Understanding natural and anthropogenic sources of contamination in the Athabasca River and their biological importance. |
Shubha Pandit (2015-6) | Project: Developing climate and bio-energetic models for freshater fish species at risk. |
Graduate Students
Macs MacLeod (2023) | Thesis: Assessing the station holding ability of three benthic fishes exposes to flow augmentation: implications for species at risk. |
Megan Edgar (2022) | Thesis: The introduction of Cipangopaludina chinensis and tropic effects of sympatric freshwater fish invaders in southern Alberta reservoirs. |
Sebastian Theis (2022) | Thesis: Offsetting approved harmful anthropogenic impacts in the 21st century – Insights into global offsetting practices, habitat banking as an alternative offsetting mechanism and application of habitat enhancement in northern boreal lake systems. |
Karling Roberts (2022) | Thesis: The structure and dynamics of fish isotopic and trophic niches in natural lakes and constructed fisheries offsets in the Alberta Oil Sands |
Jacquie Pallard (2022) | Thesis: Assessing the effects of non-native salmonids on Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in Alberta’s Rocky Mountain foothills. |
Sergio Bazan (2021) | Thesis: Predicting habitat of Tubifex tubifex and the potential spread of whirling disease. |
Victoria van Mierlo (2021) | Thesis: Occupancy and Impacts of the Northern Crayfish (Faxonius virilis) in Tributaries of the North Saskatchewan River Basin |
Kyle Hamilton (2020) | Thesis: Streamflow is changing in rivers across Alberta: assessing regional variation in changing hydrologic indices. |
Morag McPherson (2020) | Thesis: Habitat use by fluvial Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) across life stages in northern mountain streams. |
Caitlyn Donadt (2019) | Thesis: Trace element concentrations in riverine fish: relationships with body size, food web dynamics and trace element concentrations in surface water. |
Hedin Nelson-Chorney (2019) | Thesis: Paleolimnological reconstruction of Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi) in alpine lakes using a next-generation sequencing platform. |
Allison Banting (2018) | Thesis: Effects of introduced fishes on aquatic insect prey subsidies to alpine birds. |
Nathan Medinski (2018) | Thesis: Exploring the effects of a major coal mine spill on food web dynamics and resource utilization by the threatened Athabasca Rainbow Trout and invasive eastern Brook Trout. |
Tyana Rudolfsen (2017) | Thesis: Characterizing adaptive morphological features and resource selection of Rocky Mountain Sculpin (Cottus sp.), a species at risk in Canada. |
Donnette Thayer (2016) | Thesis: Identifying seasonal Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) movement patterns and habitat preference in the South Saskatchewan River Basin. |
Marie Veillard (2016) | Thesis: Investigating fine-scale movement patterns and comparative swimming performance of the newly identified and threatened Rocky Mountain Sculpin (Cottus sp). |
Cassandra Docherty (2016) | Thesis: Establishment, spread and impact of Prussian Carp (Carassius gibelio), a new invasive species in Western North America. |
Kenton Neufeld (2015) | Thesis: Improving our ability to assess the impacts of hydrologic alteration on stream fishes: An interdisciplinary approach to assess the Threatened Western Silvery Minnow Hybognathus argyritis in Canada. |
Bryan Maitland (2015) | Thesis: Stream crossings in the western Boreal forest: Assessing impacts and prioritizing restoration for native freshwater fishes . |
Undergraduate Students
Cordelius Hultberg (2022) | Assessing invertebrate abundances across tributaries with Bull Trout. |
Tiana Philips (2021) | Comparing benthic macroinvertebrate communities in northern Boreal lakes. |
Hudson King (2021) | Assessing biotic interactions between Plains Sucker (P. jordani) and non-native species. |
Conor Griffith (2021) | Morphological variation of Plains Sucker (P. jordani) across its Canadian range. |
Kaegan Finn (2020) | Parasites and stable isotopes: the potential for new taxon-specific discrimination factors (poster, link). |
Renae Shewan (2020) | Determining mercury contamination in fish from the Athabasca River. |
Sem Kampman (2020) | Measuring physiological endpoints of swimming in a modified Prairie river (co-supervised with Keith Teirney). |
Xin Guo (2020) | Determining spread of Prussian Carp through artificial waterways. |
Taylor Lund (2019) | A spatial and temporal comparison of delta 13C and delta 15N signatures in muscle and fin tissues in northern freshwater fishes (link). |
Stephanie Rudnew (2019) | Age and Growth of Rocky Mountain Sculpin under varying flow regimes. |
Jamie Card (2018) | Assessing the success of manual eradication methods for Prussian Carp (C. gibelio; NSERC USGS; link). |
Jesse Shirton (2018) | Ecosystem impacts of Prussian Carp (C. gibelio) to freshwater ecosystems (NSERC USGS). |
Janelle Smith (2018) | Behaviour of Rocky Mountain Sculpin under varying flow conditions (co-supervised with Keith Teirney). |
Catelyn van Veen (2017) | Mercury contamination in Yellowknife Bay, NWT (co-supervised with Allison Murray). |
Tyana Rudolfsen (2014) | Functional diversity of fishes in urbanized landscapes (co-supervised with Bill Tonn). |
Elashia Young (2014) | Assessing consequences of flow on growth of Rocky Mountain Sculpin. |
Brittney Wipf (2014) | Morphometrics of Rocky Mountain Sculpin under varying flow conditions. |
Field / Lab Technicians
Lab Coordinator
Matthew Cunningham (2019-2020)
Michael Barbaeu (2018)
Tannis Serben (2016 - 2017)
Lauren Perras (2020)
Jesse Shirton (2020)
Wyatt Villetard (2020)
Cameron Beaudoin (2019)
Rebecca Huang (2019)
Lynsey Bent (2019)
Matthew Cunningham (2019)
Colton Morrow (2019)
Angela Ten - NSERC USRA (2019)
Jesse Shirton - NSERC USRA (2018)
Michael Barbeau (2017, 2018)
Zachary Hammond (2017, 2018)
Jessica Speakman (2017, 2018)
Jessica Newman (2017, 2018)
Chen Xin Lee (2017)
Gail Classens (2017, 2018)
Megan Wisselink (2017, 2018)
Garrick Lafferty (2017, 2018 -volunteer)
Kelby Orgyzlo (2017 - volunteer)
Erin Cawthorn (2017 - volunteer)
Kaitlin Holden (2017 - volunteer)
Lydia Kim (2017 - volunteer)
Victoria Dubord (2017 - volunteer)
Holly Ingis (2017 - volunteer)
Felyshia Green (2017 - volunteer)
Jamie Card - NSERC USRA (2017)
Caitlyn Donadt (2016)
Catelyn van Veen (2016)
Melanie de Kappelle (2016)
Geoffery Durocher (2015)
Jamie Hudson (2015, 2016)
Victoria Giacobbo (2015, 2016)
Tannis Serben (2015)
Christopher Smith (2015)
Denyse Dawe (2014, 2015)
Warren Robb (2014)
Elaisha Young (2014)
Kelly Mulligan (2013)
Troy Adams (2013)
Shuhang Lu (2013, 2014)
Bishnu Regmi (2013, 2014)