Hambrook J., Kimmel N., Robinson R., Foster D., Poesch M.S. and P. Hanington. (In Press) Development, validation and implementation of eDNA-focused qPCR assays to detect and distinguish between Goldfish (Carassius auratus) and Prussian Carp (Carassius gibelio). Environmental DNA.
Tayebi A. T., Schmid J., Simmons S., Poesch M. S., Ramazi P. and M. Lewis. (In Press) Website views as a proxy for angler pressure and effort: Insight from Bayesian networks. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Schmid J., Simmons S., Poesch M. S., Ramazi P. and M. Lewis. (In Press) Analyzing fisher effort – Gender differences and the impact of Covid-19. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences.
Theis, S.*, Shirton, J.*, Barbeau, M.*, Ruppert, J. W. L.* and M.S. Poesch (2025) Growth and diet of Northern Pike (Esox lucius) in Boreal lakes: Implications for Ecosystem Management. Hydrobiologia 4(1): 1.
Veilleux, H., McPherson, M.*, Cott, P., Poesch, M., S., Glover, C., and G. Goss. (2025) Environmental DNA as a tool to detect Arctic grayling and their habitat preferences in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Arctic Science 11: 1-12.
Theis, S.*, Cartwright, L., Chreston, A., Coey, B., Graham, B., Little, D., Poesch, M. S., Portiss, R., Scott, R., Wallace, A., and J. L. W. Ruppert. (2025) Balancing sampling effort against costs for nearshore fish communities in Toronto waterfront, Lake Ontario. Fisheries Management and Ecology: 31(1): e12733.
Theis S.*, Chin, A. T.M., Wallace, A., Cartwright L., Fortin M.J., Poesch, M.S. and Ruppert, J.L.W. (2025) Complexity and spatial structuring of fish communities across urbanized watersheds and waterfronts. Urban Ecosystems 28: 1–18.
Miller, M., Stevens, C. and M. S. Poesch. (2025). Effectiveness of spawning substrate enhancement for adfluvial fish in a regulated sub-Arctic river. River Research and Applications 41(2): 412-425.
Pandit, S.*, Poesch, M. S., Kolasa, J., Pandit, L. K., Ruppert, J. L. W., and E. Enders (2024). Long-term evaluation of the impact of urbanization on native and non-native fish assemblages. Aquatic Invasions: 19(3): 345-360.
Theis S.*, Cartwright L., Chreston A., Coey B., Graham B., Little D., Poesch M.S., Portiss R., Wallace A. and J. L. W. Ruppert (2024). A multi-metric index for assessing two decades of community responses to broad scale shoreline enhancement and restoration along the Toronto waterfront. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 34: e24141.
Theis S.*, Cartwright L., Chreston A., Wallace A., Graham B., Coey B., Little D., Poesch M.S., Portiss R., and J. Ruppert (2024). Nearshore fish community changes along the Toronto Waterfront in accordance with management and restoration goals: Insights from two decades of monitoring. PLos One: 19(2): e0298333.
Theis S.* and M. S. Poesch. (2024). What makes a bank a bank? Differences and commonalities in credit calculation, application, and risks in mitigation banks targeting freshwater fish species and associated ecosystems. Environmental Management: 73(1): 199-212.
Theis, S.* and M. S. Poesch. (2024). Mitigation bank applications for freshwater systems: Control mechanisms, project complexity, and caveats. PLOS One 19(2): e-292702.
Serbu, J. A., St. Louis, V. L., Emmerton, C. A., Tank S., Criscitello, A., Silins, U., Bhatia, M., Cavaco, M., Christenson, C., Cooke, C., Drapeau, H., Enns, S. J., Flett, J., Holland, K., Lavelle-Whiffen, J., Ma, M., Muir, C., Poesch, M. S., and J. Shin. (2023). A comprehensive biogeochemical assessment of climate-threatened glacial river headwaters on the eastern slopes of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. JGR Biogeosciences 129: e2023JG007745.
McPherson, M.*, Lewis, J.B., Cott, P.B., Baker, L.F., Mochnacz, N.J. Swanson, H.K., and S. Poesch. (2023) Habitat use by fluvial Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) across life stages in northern mountain streams. Environmental Biology of Fishes 106: 1001-1020.
Theis, S.*, Ruppert, J. L. W. and M. S. Poesch. (2023) Coarse woody habitat use by local fish species and structural integrity of enhancements over time in a shallow northern boreal lake assessed in a Bayesian modeling approach. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 4(2): e12200.
Theis, S.* Castellanos D.A., Hamann A. and M.S. Poesch. (2023) Small-bodied fish species from western United States will be under severe water stress by 2040. Conservation Science and Practice: e12856.
Fischer, S.M.*, Ramaza, P., Simmons, S., Poesch, M.S. and M.A. Lewis. (2023) Boosting propagule transport models with individual-specific data from mobile apps. Journal of Applied Ecology 60(5): 934-949.
Van Mierlo V. A.*, Green S. J., Emmerton C. A., Nasr M., Buendia C., Wyatt F. and M. S. Poesch. (2022). Occupancy of invasive Northern Crayfish (Faxonius virilis) in northern systems is driven primarily by tributary water temperature. Freshwater Science 41(4): 650-664.
Pentyliuk, N., Schmidt, B., Poesch, M.S. and S. Green. (2022) Recreational angler reporting as a tool for tracking the distribution of invasive Prussian Carp (Carassius gibelio). Conservation Science and Practice 5(1): e12850.
Theis, S.* Castellanos D.A., Hamann A. and M.S. Poesch. (2022) Exploring the potential role of habitat banks in preserving freshwater biodiversity and imperiled species in the United States. Biological Conservation 273: 109700.
Theis, S.* Koops, M. and M.S. Poesch. (2022) A meta-analysis on the effectiveness of offsetting strategies for harm to freshwater fishes. Environmental Management 70(5): 793-807.
Theis S.*, and M.S. Poesch (2022) Assessing conservation and mitigation banking practices and associated gains and losses in the United States. Sustainability 14: 6652.
Dutra, M.C.F., Pereyra, P.E.R., Hallwass, G., Poesch, M.S. and R.A.M. Silvano. (2023). Fishers’ knowledge on trophic ecology and of the tropical ‘super fish’ Plagioscion squamosissimus in two Brazilian Amazonian rivers. Neotropical Ichthyology 21(1): e220041.
Ponton D.E., Ruelas-Inzunza J., Lavoie R., Lescord G.L., Johnston T.A., Graydon J.A., Reichert, M., Donadt C.*, Poesch M.S., Gunn, J.A., and M. Amyot. (2022) Mercury, selenium and arsenic concentrations in Canadian freshwater fish and a perspective on human consumption intake and risk. Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances 6: 100060.
Theis S.*, and M.S. Poesch (2022) Current capacity, bottlenecks, and future projections for offsetting habitat loss using mitigation and conservation banking in the United States. Journal for Nature Conservation 67:126159.
Edgar M.*, Hanington P., Lu R., Proctor H., Zurawell R., Kimmel N. and M.S. Poesch (2022) The First Documented Occurrence and Life History Characteristics of the Chinese Mystery Snail (Cipangopaludina chinensis, Mollusca: Viviparidae) in Alberta, Canada. BioInvasions Records 11(2): 449-460.
Theis, S.*, Ruppert, J.*, Shirton, J.* and M.S. Poesch (2022) Measuring beta diversity components and beneficial effects of coarse woody habitat introduction on invertebrate and macrophyte communities in a shallow northern boreal lake: implications for offsetting. Aquatic Ecology 56: 793-814.
Medinski, N.A.*, Maitland, B.M.*, Jardine, T.D., Drake, D.A.R. and M.S. Poesch (2022) A catastrophic coal mine spill in the Athabasca River watershed induces isotopic niche shifts in stream biota including an endangered rainbow trout ecotype. Canadian Journal for Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 79(8): 1321-1334.
Roberts, K.N.*, Lund, T.*, Hayden, B. and M.S. Poesch (2022) Season and species influence stable isotope ratios between lethally and non-lethally sampled tissues in freshwater fish. Journal of Fish Biology 100 (1): 229-241.
Finn, K.*, Roberts, K.N.* and M.S. Poesch (2022) Cestode parasites are depleted in 15N relative to their fish hosts in northern Alberta, Canada. Fisheries Research 248: 106193..
Pereyra, P.E.R, Hallwas, G., Poesch, M.S. and R. Silvano (2021) ‘Taking fishers’ knowledge to the lab’: an interdisciplinary approach to understand fish trophic relationships in the Brazilian Amazon. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 723026.
Castaneda, R.A., Ackerman, J.D., Chapman, L.J., Cooke, S.J., Cuddington, K., Dextrase, A., Jackson, D.A., Koops, M.A., Krkosek, M., Loftus, K., Mandrak, N.E., Martel, A.L., Molnar, P., Morris, T.J., Pitcher, T.E., Poesch, M.S., Power, M., Pratt, T.C., Reid, S.M., Rodriguez, M.A., Rosenfeld, J., Wilson, C., Zanatta, D.T. and D.A.R. Drake. (2021) Approaches and research needs for advancing the protection and recovery of imperilled freshwater fishes and mussels in Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 78 (9): 1356-1370.
Baird, I., Silvano, R., Parlee, B., Poesch, M., Napolean, A., Lepine, M., Halwass, G., and B. MacLean. (2021) The Downstream Impacts of Hydropower Dams and Indigenous and Local Knowledge: Examples from the Peace-Athabasca, Mekong and Amazon River Basins. Environmental Management 67: 682-696.
Banting, A.*, Vinebrooke, R., Taylor, M., Carli, C. and M.S. Poesch. (2021) Impacts of a regionally-native predator on littoral macrobenthos in fishless mountain lakes: implications for assisted colonization. Conservation Science and Practice 3(2): e344.
Donadt, C.*, Cooke, C., Graydon, J. and M.S. Poesch. (2021) Biological factors moderate trace element accumulation in fish along an environmental concentration gradient. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 40(2): 422-434.
Donadt, C.*, Cooke, C., Graydon, J. and M.S. Poesch. (2021) Mercury bioaccumulation in stream fish from an agriculturally-dominated watershed. Chemosphere 262: 128059.
Firth, B., Poesch, M.S., Koops, M., Power, M. and D.A.R. Drake. (2021) Diet overlap of common and at-risk riverine benthic fishes before and after Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus) invasion. Biological Invasions 23(1): 1-14.
Card, J.*, Hasler, C., Ruppert, J.*Donadt, C.* and M.S. Poesch. (2020) A three-pass electrofishing removal strategy is not effective for eradication of Prussian Carp in a North American stream network. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 11(2): 485-493.
Theis, S.*, Ruppert, J.W.R*, Roberts, K.*, Koops, M., Minns, K. and M.S. Poesch. (2020) Compliance with and ecosystem function of biodiversity offsets in North American and European freshwaters. Conservation Biology 34(1) 41-53.
Nelson-Chorney, H.*, Carli, C.M., Davis, C.S., Vinebrooke, R.D., Poesch, M.S., and M.K. Taylor (2019) Environmental DNA in lake sediment reveals biogeography of native genetic diversity. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 17: 313-318.
Lamothe,K.A., Drake, D.A.R., Pitcher, T.E., Broome, J.E., Dextrase, A.J., Gillespie, A., Mandrak, N.E., Poesch, M.S., Reid, S.M. and N. Vachon. (2019) Reintroduction of fishes in Canada: a review of research progress for SARA-listed species. Environmental Reviews 27(4): 575-599.
Sinnatamby, R.N.*, Loewen, T.N., Luo, Y., Pearson, D.G., Bicalho, B., Grant-Weaver, I., Cuss, C.W., Poesch,M.S., and W. Shotyk. (2019). Spatial assessment of major and trace element concentrations from Lower Athabasca Region Trout-perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus) otoliths. Science of the Total Environment 655 (10): 363-373.
Rudolfsen, T.*, Ruppert, J.W.R.*, Davis, C., Taylor, R., Watkinson, D. and M.S. Poesch (2019) Habitat use and hybridization between the Rocky Mountain Sculpin (Cottus sp.) and Slimy Sculpin (Cottus cognatus). Freshwater Biology 64(3): 391-404.
Donner, M. Cuss, C., Poesch, M.S., Sinnatamby, N.*, Siddique, T., and W. Shotyk. (2018) Selenium in surface waters of the lower Athabasca River watershed: chemical speciation and implications for aquatic life. Environmental Pollution 243 (B): 1343-1351.
Shotyk, W., Bicalho, B., Cuss, C.W., Nagel, A., Noernberg, T., Poesch, M.S., and N.R. Sinnatamby*. (2018) Bioaccumulation of Tl in otoliths of Trout-perch (Percopsis omiscomaycus) from the Athabasca River, upstream and downstream of bitumen mining and upgrading. Science of the Total Environment 650(2): 2559-2566.
Ruppert, J.L.W.*, Hogg, J., and M.S. Poesch. (2018) Community assembly and the sustainability of habitat offsetting targets in the first compensation lake in the oil sands region in Alberta, Canada. Biological Conservation 219: 138-146.
Neufeld, K.*, Watkinson, D., Tierney, K. and M.S. Poesch. (2018) Incorporating connectivity in measures of habitat suitability to assess impacts of hydrologic alteration to stream fish. Diversity and Distributions 24: 593-604.
Rudolfsen, T.*, Watkinson, D. and Poesch, M.S. (2018) Morphological divergence of the Threatened Rocky Mountain sculpin (Cottus sp.) is driven by biogeography and flow regime. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 28: 78-86.
Ruppert, J.L.W.*, Docherty,C.*, Rudolfsen, T.*, Neufeld, K.*, Hamilton, K.*, MacPherson, L. and M.S. Poesch. (2017) Native North American freshwater species get out of the way: Prussian Carp (Carassius gibelio) establishment impacts both fish and macroinvertebrate communities. Royal Society Open Science 4: 170400.
Docherty, C.*, Ruppert, J.*, Rudolfsen, T.*, Hamann, A., and Poesch, M.S. (2017) Assessing the spread and potential impact of Prussian Carp (Carassius gibelio Bloch, 1782) to freshwater fishes in western North America. BioInvasions Records 6: 291-296.
Sun, C., Shotyk, W., Cuss, C., Donner, M., Fennel, M., Javed, M., Noernberg, T., Poesch, M.S., Pelletier, R., Sinnatamby, N.*, Siddique, T., and J. Martin. (2017) Characterisation of naphthenic acids and bitumen derived organics in natural water from the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Canada. Environmental Science and Technology 51 (17): 9524-9532
Veillard, M.F.*, Ruppert, J.L.W.*, Tierney, K., Watkinson, D., and M.S. Poesch. (2017) Comparative swimming and station-holding ability of the threatened Rocky Mountain Sculpin (Cottus sp.) from four hydrologically distinct rivers. Conservation Physiology 5: 1-12.
Thayer, D.*, Ruppert, J.L.W., Watkinson, D., Clayton, T. and M.S. Poesch. (2017) Identifying temporal bottlenecks for the conservation of large-bodied fishes: Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fluvescens) show highly restricted movement and habitat-use overwinter. Global Ecology and Conservation 10: 194-205.
Pandit, S.N.*, Koriala, L., Maitland, B.M*, Poesch, M.S., and E. Enders. (2017) Climate change risks, extinction debt, and conservation implications for an endangered freshwater fish Carmine Shiner (Notropis percobromus). Science of the Total Environment 598: 1-11.
Ruppert, J.L.W.*, James, P.M.A., Taylor, R., Rudolfsen, T.*, Veillard, M.*, Davis, C., Watkinson, D. and Poesch, M.S. (2017) Riverscape genetic structure of a threatened and dispersal limited freshwater species, the Rocky Mountain Sculpin (Cottus sp.). Conservation Genetics 18: 925-937.
Camaclang, A.E., Curtis, J.M.R., Poesch, M.S., and M.A. Koops. (2017) Modelling the impact of poaching on metapopulation viability for data-limited species. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 74: 894-906.
Maitland, B.M.*, M.S. Poesch, Anderson, A.E., and S. Pandit*. (2016) Industrial road crossings drive changes in community structure and instream habitat for freshwater fishes in the Boreal forest. Freshwater Biology. 61: 1-18.
Maitland, B.M.*, Anderson, A. and Poesch, M.S. (2016) Prioritising culvert removals to restore habitat for at-risk salmonids in the Boreal forest. Fisheries Management and Ecology 23: 489-502.
Poesch, M.S., Chavarie, L., Chu, C., Pandit, S.N.*, and W. Tonn. (2016) Climate change impacts on freshwater fishes: A Canadian perspective. Fisheries 41(7): 385-391.
Neufeld, K.*, Watkinson, D., and Poesch, M.S. (2016) The effect of hydrologic alteration on capture efficiency of freshwater fishes in a highly modified Prairie stream: Implications for bio-monitoring programs. River Research and Applications 32: 975-983.
Neufeld, K.*, Blair, S., and Poesch, M.S. (2015) Retention and stress effects of visible implant tags when marking Western Silvery Minnow Hybognathus argyritis and its application to other cyprinids (family Cyprinidae). North American Journal of Fisheries Management 35: 1070-1076.
Maitland, B.*, Cooke, S. and M.S. Poesch. (2015) Finding the path to a successful graduate and research career: Advice for early career researchers. Fisheries 40: 399-403.
Poesch, M.S. (2015) To dendrogram or not? Consensus methods show that the question needed to move functional diversity metrics forward. Ideas in Ecology and Evolution. 8: 70-74.
Poesch, M.S. (2014) Developing standardized methods for sampling freshwater fishes with multiple gears: Effect of sampling order versus sampling method. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143: 353-362
Poesch, M.S. and D.A. Jackson (2012) Addressing the removal of rare species in multivariate bioassessments: the impact of methodological choices. Ecological Indicators 18: 82-90.
Poesch, M.S. and D.A. Jackson (2012) Impact of species-specific dispersal and regional stochasticity on estimates of population viability in stream metapopulations. Landscape Ecology 27: 405-416.
Poesch, M.S., Lawrie, D., Tu, C., Jackson, D.A., and N.E. Mandrak (2012) Developing local and regional population estimates for an endangered freshwater minnow, the redside dace (Clinostomus elongatus), in Canada. Aquatic Conservation 22: 47-57.
Schwalb, A.J., Cottenie, K., Poesch, M.S., and J. Ackerman (2011) Dispersal limitation in unionid mussels and implications for their recovery. Freshwater Biology 56: 1509-1518.
Schwalb, A.J., Poesch, M.S., and J. Ackerman (2011) Movement of logperch—the obligate host fish for endangered snuffbox mussels: implications for mussel dispersal. Aquatic Sciences 73: 223-231.
Poesch, M.S., Dextrase, A.J., Schwalb, A.N., and J. Ackerman (2010) Secondary invasion of the round goby into high diversity Great Lakes tributaries and species at risk hotspots: Potential new concerns for endangered freshwater species. Biological Invasions 12: 1269-1284.
Poesch, M.S., Walker, S.C., and D.A. Jackson (2009) Functional diversity indices can be driven by methodological choices and species richness. Ecology 90(2): 341-346.
Poesch, M.S., Mandrak, N.E., and R. L. McLaughlin (2008) A practical framework for selecting among single species, multi-species and ecosystem-based recovery plans. Canadian Journal for Fisheries & Aquatic Science 65: 2656-2666.
Walker, S., Poesch, M.S. and D. A. Jackson. (2008) Functional rarefaction: Estimated functional diversity from field data. Oikos 117(2): 286-296.
Poesch, M.S., Mandrak, N.E., and R. L. McLaughlin (2007) The effectiveness of two common sampling methods for sampling imperiled freshwater fishes. Journal of Fish Biology 70: 691-708.
Scott, R.J., Poesch, M.S., Noakes, D.L.G., and F.W.H. Beamish (2005) Effects of exotic salmonids on juvenile Atlantic salmon behavior. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 14: 283-288.
Book Chapters
Chu, C., Holbrook, B., Sandstrom, S. and M.S. Poesch. (2024) Cold water fish sampling in small standing waters. In Standard Methods for Sampling North American Freshwater Fishes (2nd edition), Merrcado, S. and K. Pope (eds.), American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MY.
M. S. Poesch. (2023) Assessing the Potential Risks of Tailing Ponds Failures to Aquatic Ecosystems in Canada. In Perspectives in Canadian Fisheries, Cooke, S. , Hasler, C., Mandrak, N.E.M. and J. Imhof (eds.). American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD, USA
Donaldson, M., Eliason, E., Jeffries, K., Poesch, M.S., Drake, D.A.R., Braun, D., Hasler, C., Nguyen, V., Raby, G., Lennox, R., Swanson, H., Favaro, B., Bower, S. and S.J. Cooke. (2023) Early career perspectives on the future of freshwater fisheries science, management and policy in Canada. In Perspectives in Canadian Fisheries, Cooke, S. (ed.). American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD, USA.
Chu, C., de Kerckhove, D. T., Guzzo, M. and M. S. Poesch. (2023) Climate change and its impacts on freshwater fish and fisheries in Canada. In Perspectives in Canadian Fisheries, Cooke, S. , Hasler, C., Mandrak, N.E.M. and J. Imhof (eds.). American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD, USA.
Jackson, D.A., Walker, S.C., and M.S. Poesch. (2010) Cluster analysis of fish community data: “New” tools for Determining Meaningful Groupings of Sites and Species Assemblages. pp. 503-527 In Gido K. and Jackson D.A. (eds.) Community Ecology of Stream Fishes: Concepts, Approaches & Techniques, AFS, Bethesda, MD.
MacLeod, T. (2023) Assessing the station holding ability of three benthic fishes exposes to flow augmentation: implications for species at risk.
Edgar, M. (2022) The introduction of Cipangopaludina chinensis and tropic effects of sympatric freshwater fish invaders in southern Alberta reservoirs.
Theis, S. (2022) Offsetting approved harmful anthropogenic impacts in the 21st century – Insights into global offsetting practices, habitat banking as an alternative offsetting mechanism and application of habitat enhancement in northern boreal lake systems.
Pallard, J. (2022) Assessing the effects of non-native salmonids on Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in Alberta’s Rocky Mountain foothills.
Roberts, K. N. (2022) The structure and dynamics of fish isotopic and trophic niches in natural lakes and constructed fisheries offsets in the Alberta Oil Sands.
Bazan, S. (2021) Tubifex habitat analysis to assess whirling disease risk in Alberta, Canada.
Van Mierlo, V. (2021) Occupancy and Impacts of the Northern Crayfish (Faxonius virilis) in Tributaries of the North Saskatchewan River Basin.
Hamilton, K. (2020) Streamflow is changing in rivers across Alberta: assessing regional variation in changing hydrologic indices.
McPherson, M. (2020) Habitat use by fluvial Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) across life stages in northern mountain streams.
Donadt, C. (2019) Trace element concentrations in riverine fish: relationships with body size, food web dynamics and trace element concentrations in surface water.
Nelson-Chorney, H. (2019) Paleolimnological reconstruction of Westslope Cutthroat Trout (Oncorhynchus clarki lewisi) in alpine lakes using a next-generation sequencing platform.
Banting, A. L. K. (2018) Impacts of a novel predator on aquatic invertebrates in fishless lakes: Implications for conservation translocation
Medinski, N. (2018) Assessing the impacts of multiple ecological stressors on an endangered native salmonid, the Athabasca Rainbow Trout, in the foothills of the Canadian Rocky Mountains.
Rudolfsen, T.A. (2017) Characterizing adaptive morphological features and resource selection of Rocky Mountain Sculpin (Cottus sp.), a species at risk in Canada
Docherty, C. (2017) Establishment, spread and impact of Prussian Carp (Carassius gibelio), a new invasive species in Western North America.
Neufeld, K.R. (2016) Improving our ability to assess the impacts of hydrologic alteration on stream fishes: An interdisciplinary approach to assess the Threatened Western Silvery Minnow Hybognathus argyritis in Canada
Veillard, M. (2016) Investigating fine-scale movement patterns and comparative swimming performance of the newly identified and threatened Rocky Mountain Sculpin (Cottus sp.) across its Canadian distribution
Thayer, D. (2016) Identifying seasonal Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) movement patterns and habitat selection in the South Saskatchewan River Basin
Maitland, B. (2015) Stream Crossings in the Western Boreal Forest: Assessing Impacts and Prioritizing Restoration for Native Freshwater Fishes